این افزونه از دسمبر 31, 2024 بسته شده است و برای دانلود در دسترس نیست. این تعطیلی موقت است و در انتظار بررسی کامل است.
این افزونه 3 بلوک ارائه میدهد.
- [Social Rocket] Inline Buttons
- [Social Rocket] Floating Buttons
- [Social Rocket] Click to Tweet
نقد و بررسیها
جولای 14, 2023
Finally, a sharing plugin that really works, simply, effectively and understandably. Thank you so much!
نوامبر 9, 2022
2 پاسخ
Good plugin, even if i didn’t need it
می 11, 2020
1 پاسخ
It is so hard to find a simple social sharing plugin that allows customization. All we needed was a plugin to provide social sharing buttons that float, and allows us to customize colors. Nearly everything that provides the main social networks and customization is expensive, or a pain to manage. This one is perfect! Easy, straightforward, and does exactly what we needed. Great!
می 1, 2020
1 پاسخ
Quite light, easy and effective. Thank you
نوامبر 14, 2019
آکتوبر 23, 2019
By far the cleanest, most user friendly social share plugin I have used.
The free version is packed with features to add social share button to your site + customize the style the placement.
I’ve tried many social share plugins, and Social Rocket is the one I’m going to recommend from now on.
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