این افزونه با آخرین 3 نسخه اصلی وردپرس تست نشده است. ممکن است دیگر نگهداری یا پشتیبانی نشود و ممکن است هنگام استفاده با نسخه های جدیدتر وردپرس مشکلات سازگاری داشته باشد.

Verify domain for Apple Pay with Stripe


Adds Stripe’s domain association file for Apple Pay verification to your WordPress site and makes it available at https://<YOUR_SITE_DOMAIN>/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.


  • Apple Pay requires SSL. This means you must have an SSL certificate installed on your website and your domain must be accessible at an URL that starts with https.
  • You must have custom permalinks enabled (anything but Plain) from Settings => Permalinks in your WordPress dashboard. If the plugin doesn’t work, make sure the URL is not blocked by your web server and that request is being passed to WordPress.


  1. Install and activate the plugin directly from your WordPress dashboard, or download the files and visit Plugins => Add New => Upload from your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to your Stripe dashboard and add your domain from Account Settings => Apple Pay.
  3. Navigate to https://<YOUR_SITE_DOMAIN>/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association and verify that it returns the contents of Stripe’s domain association file.

نقد و بررسی‌ها

مارچ 1, 2018
Thanks for simplifying the verification process.
خواندن تمامی 1 نقد و بررسی‌

توسعه دهندگان و همکاران

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ترجمه “Verify domain for Apple Pay with Stripe” به زبان شما.

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گزارش تغییرات


  • Updated README


  • Escape and force strict comparison when checking $_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”]
  • Bumped minimum WP version to 4.1
  • Bumped minimum PHP version to 7.0


  • Replace Stripe domain association file with the new version


  • Plugin release.