برچسب افزونه: page views
SRS Simple Hits Counter
(5 مجموع امتیازها)Simple plugin to count and show a total number of hits (Unique visitors or page-views) to the site without using any third party code.
(1 مجموع امتیازها)Shows the WP site administrator how many visits per page per day to their WP site.
DX2 Post Hit Counter
(2 مجموع امتیازها)A lightweight counter to track the number of hits on all posts on the website.
CP Analytics pro
(1 مجموع امتیازها)keywords, Page Referrals, demographics, bounce rate, SEO, conversions, Analytics Plugin, browser sources, Audience Overview, Authentication, Tracking …
Author Page Views
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Author Pageviews is a plugin designed to help CPM monetized content publishers track their individual authors page vies and compensate them.
DanP Google Analytics Pageview Sync
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Sync pageview data from Google Analytics to your WordPress Database, enabling you to sort posts, view pageview data in the WordPress Dashboard, and ou …
TRT Post Views
(0 مجموع امتیازها)A WordPress plugin for tracking and displaying post by views on your website.