برچسب افزونه: oembed
oEmbed as media
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Creates an media in your library with an youtube, vimeo, hulu, and another oembed media. The plugin will fetch the data and create the media.
Miiverse oEmbed
(1 مجموع امتیازها)Registers Nintendo Miiverse as an oEmbed in WordPress. To use simply paste a URL from a Miiverse post into a blog post.
Tickertape oEmbed Provider
(0 مجموع امتیازها)The plugin extends Wordpress's automatic embed feature, allowing you to directly embed stock and ETF cards from Tickertape Shortcode URL
WordPress VN oEmbed
(1 مجموع امتیازها)Tự động nhúng nhạc, video, clip từ các trang nhạc ở Việt Nam khi bạn dán link nhạc vào bài viết.
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Registers embedbol.com as an oEmbed provider allowing for easy embedding of products from bol.com.
smallcase oEmbed Provider
(0 مجموع امتیازها)The plugin extends Wordpress's automatic embed feature, allowing you to directly embed smallcase cards from the embed URL
Embed Poll For All
(0 مجموع امتیازها)This plugin allows you to copy and paste a Poll For All share URL onto a page and it will display the corresponding poll from Poll For All.
Easy Responsive Video
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Easy Responsive Video adapts oEmbed video to full width while maintaining aspect ratio.
Embed Consent
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Replaces embed blocks with a confirmation to ask for consent before loading third-party resources.
Wikiloops Track Player
(0 مجموع امتیازها)This plugin makes it easy to add a Wikiloops track player to your WordPress blog. The plugin adds Wikiloops to the list of recognized oEmbed providers …
Rewatch oEmbed WP
(0 مجموع امتیازها)A quick and easy way to enable the embedding of videos from your Rewatch channel.
GeniiPress Disable Embeds
(0 مجموع امتیازها)Disables the oEmbed feature from core, for a performance gain.