Displays the album cover artwork for recently listened to songs via Last.fm.
You are required to have a Last.fm account, and you’ll to be running the iScrobbler application to automatically notify Last.fm of your songs.
- Install the iScrobbler. Once this is installed, check the recent tracks feed (changing remysharp to your own username) to ensure your submissions are work.
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Place
<?php get_lastFM_album_artwork(); ?>
in your sidebar template where you want the artwork to appear.
سوالات متداول
- What dependancies are there?
- A Last.fm account.
- iScrobbler to tell Last.fm what tracks you are listening to.
- Can I change the way the artwork is laid out?
Yes. From WordPress admin, Options, Last.fm Recent Albums: change the layout using the ‘HTML format’ option. Valid variables include:
- $album
- $artist
- $artwork – the image tab with the artwork
- $track – the track name
- $url – the Last.fm url to the track (or album).
- Where can I get further help?
If you contact me on my personal plugin page I’ll get in touch to help resolve any problems you’re having.
نقد و بررسیها
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توسعه دهندگان و همکاران
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