این افزونه از اپریل 29, 2024 بسته شده است و برای دانلود در دسترس نیست. این تعطیلی دائمی است. دلیل: درخواست نویسنده.
این افزونه 2 بلوک ارائه میدهد.
- GetResponse for WordPress
- GetResponse Form
نقد و بررسیها
جولای 6, 2023
Trying to add a get response pop up to my WP website and just doesn’t work
نوامبر 4, 2020
A very useful plugin for those who are using GetResponse as an online marketing platform.
جون 1, 2020
Very useful! So easy integration! Thank you!
فبروری 24, 2020
I am using them to generate leads from my website, it’s really easy to set up. GetResponse offers some nice templates, so it’s quick to configure.
فبروری 20, 2020
I’m using this plugin for few months and it’s really useful. It allows me to integrate GetResponse to WordPress and add contacts to my list. I can save a lot of time. Right now I have all e-commerce details in GetResponse. Highly recommended.
فبروری 24, 2020
1 پاسخ
I am a GetResponse customer. I am using the plugin and I like it so much – its perfect for my goals. What more can I say?
Thanks GetResponse, keep the great features coming!
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