This plugin allows you to block certain countries and/or continents. After selecting the areas you want to block and saving (the area that you are detected as being in is disabled from being blocked), visitors with IPs from those areas will recieve an “about:blank” web page.
In order to find information about visitors, we use geoplugin.net. This may slow your website down especially if you have many users. See it’s AUP https://www.geoplugin.com/aup and privacy policy https://www.geoplugin.com/privacy
3rd Party service
See https://www.geoplugin.com/
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توسعه دهندگان و همکاران
“Country and Continent Blocker” نرم افزار متن باز است. افراد زیر در این افزونه مشارکت کردهاند.
مشارکت کنندگانترجمه “Country and Continent Blocker” به زبان شما.
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گزارش تغییرات
*First stable version