Chat Button for WordPress allows your customers to open a conversation from your website directly to your phone number. This plugin includes a button where you can include a pre-set message, which will be automatically be the first message in the conversation.
We added 5 designs for Chat Button. You can disable and enable it from Appearance -> Customize -> Chat Button -> Button Style -> None.
[Demo and Features]
(https://ninetyseveninfotech.com/chat-button-nsi) for More Information.
عکسهای صفحه
Step 1. Upload the ‘chat-button-ninetyseven-infotech’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
Step 2. Activate the “Chat Button Ninetyseven Infotech” Plugins.
Step 3. Select Button Style from Appearance -> Customize -> Chat Button -> Button Style
نقد و بررسیها
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گزارش تغییرات
Initial Rollout.