This Plugin adds a custom Widget that allows you to add a list of social network profile links to any Theme, using a custom navigation menu. Using this
method, you will keep your social profile links portable from Theme to Theme instead of having to re-enter them as Theme options each time you switch Themes.
The concept for this Plugin is taken from example code by Justin Tadlock,
and the code used in the Plugin is derived from similar functionality in my Oenology Theme.
This Plugin is bundled with the following Icon Fonts:
Genericons, Copyright 2013 Automattic
Source: http://www.genericons.com
License Info: GNU GPL, Version 2 (or later) – /fonts/genericons/LICENSE.txt
Font Awesome, Copyright Dave Gandy – http://fontawesome.io
Source: http://fontawesome.io
License Info: SIL OFL 1.1 – /fonts/font-awesome/font-awesome.css
Zurb Foundation Icons, Copyright ZURB 2013
Source: http://zurb.com/playground/foundation-icons
License Info: MIT – /fonts/zurb-foundation/foundation-icons.css
JustVector Icon Font, Copyright Sergio Díaz, Derived from JustVector Icons, Copyright Alex Peattie (http://alexpeattie.com/projects/justvector_icons/)
Source: http://blog.martianwabbit.com/post/4344642365.html
License Info: Free Art License – /fonts/justvector/README.txt
Mono Social Icons
Source: http://drinchev.github.io/monosocialiconsfont/
License Info: SIL OFL 1.1 – https://github.com/drinchev/monosocialiconsfont/blob/master/OFL.txt
Manual installation:
- Upload the
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
Installation using “Add New Plugin”
- From your Admin UI (Dashboard), use the menu to select Plugins -> Add New
- Search for ‘cbnet Social Menu’
- Click the ‘Install’ button to open the plugin’s repository listing
- Click the ‘Install’ button
Activiation and Use
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Create a new custom navigation menu, and name it, e.g. “Social”. (The name isn’t important, as long as you remember it!)
- Add custom links to your “Social” menu, under the “Links” metabox, one for each social network profile you wish to include.
- Save the menu, and assign it to the “Social Profile Links” Theme Location.
- Go to Appearance -> Widgets, and add the “cbnet Social Profile Links” Widget to one of the Theme’s dynamic sidebars
- In the Widget confiuration, select the Font Icon to use
سوالات متداول
- What font icons are supported?
Currently, the Plugin supports Genericons, Font Awesome, Zurb Foundation, and JustVector. (Mono Social will be added in the next release.)
Most social networks are supported by both font icons, including Dribble, Dropbox, Facebook, Flickr, GitHub, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Skype, Tumblr, Twitter, and YouTube.
Genericons adds support for Codepen, Digg, Path, Pocket, PollDaddy, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Vimeo, WordPress, and WordPress.com. To use one of these networks, you must select the Genericons font.
Font Awesome adds support for BitBucket, FourSquare, and StackExchange. To use one of these networks, you must select the Font Awesome font.
(Question to be updated)
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گزارش تغییرات
- Initial Release