این افزونه از جنوری 24, 2025 بسته شده است و برای دانلود در دسترس نیست. این تعطیلی موقت است و در انتظار بررسی کامل است.
نقد و بررسیها
اپریل 10, 2017
1 پاسخ
I understand how this works and I am sure based on the reviews that is a fantastic plugin but I need this to work a little differently and I am asking you if it’s possible to make that happen.
I am building a project website where members posts a request and other members post a reply stating they can complete/do that request.
This is what I need (would like): I want exactly this to work from the front end for members how post a request which means this would have to work something like this.
Member clicks on (create post) and fills in post details within provided options and entering their email address if they want to use this option (or have it automatically linked to each members email addresses when they register would also work which then would mean they would need a check-box if they choose to use it) and on the front end other members that reply to do the task could also request a callback if they want more details supplying the same details you have already there.
So really the only alteration would be to the back end to attach it to all members email address as they register attach it to the create posts page (best option so it could be used with any plug-in) would be using a shortcode.
Anyway that’s how I see this working and it would be super fantastic if I could have something like that on my website.
let me know if you can make this happen and if there would be any costs involved if you can.
Also a great idea for an extra plug-in for you as well.
توسعه دهندگان و همکاران
“Callback Request” نرم افزار متن باز است. افراد زیر در این افزونه مشارکت کردهاند.
مشارکت کنندگانترجمه “Callback Request” به زبان شما.
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