این افزونه با آخرین 3 نسخه اصلی وردپرس تست نشده است. ممکن است دیگر نگهداری یا پشتیبانی نشود و ممکن است هنگام استفاده با نسخه های جدیدتر وردپرس مشکلات سازگاری داشته باشد.

AS MemberPress Campaign Monitor Integration


Plugin allow you to integrate your Memberpress Plugin with Campaign Monitor optin


Basic usage

Once you have installed and activated the plugin, navigate to Memberpress, Settings, Marketing. You will find Campaign Monitor in list.
Enable Campaign Monitor and enter your API Key and save changes. After that you will see your Campaign Monitor List in Edit Membership Advanced tab. Select appropriate list and label also you can put legal notice for optin if required.


This plugin sends data to Campaign Monitor. You can find more details at https://www.campaignmonitor.com/.

Plugin is using API & API Wrapper mentioned at https://www.campaignmonitor.com/api/


  • PHP 5.3 or higher


  • None

عکس‌های صفحه

  • The plugin admin bar


  1. Upload the as-memberpress-campaign-monitor-integration folder to /wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin (AS MemberPress Campaign Monitor Integrationn) through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Use the functionality via Memberpress Settings => Marketing => Campaign Monitor

سوالات متداول

Does plugin allow to optin via Campaign Monitor for Memberpress Plugin?

Yes Plugin can allow to optin via Campaign Monotor.

You can leave feature requests in the plugin support forum.

نقد و بررسی‌ها

خواندن تمامی 1 نقد و بررسی‌

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گزارش تغییرات


  • Initial release